Showing entries 101 - 120 out of 513
Feneberg, A. C., Forbes, P., Piperno, G., Pronizius, E., Stijovic, A., Skoluda, N., Lamm, C., Nater, U., & Silani, G. (2021). Diurnal Dynamics of Stress and Mood during Covid-19 Lockdown - An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. PsyArXiv.
Goreis, A., Nater, U. M., & Nater-Mewes, R. (2021). Effects of chronic ethnic discrimination in the daily life of Turkish immigrants living in Austria: Study protocol of a 30-day ambulatory assessment study. BMJ Open, 11(10).
Tschenett, H., Funk, G.-C., Vafai-Tabrizi, F., & Nater, U. M. (2021). A brief digital mindfulness-based intervention for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Protocol and preliminary results of a pilot randomized controlled trial: Abstracts of the WASAD Congress 2021: an International Congress of the World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders, held on 20–22 September 2021 in Vienna, Austria. Journal of Neural Transmission, 128(11), 1771. Article 12.
Hirsch, S., Feneberg, A. C., Nater-Mewes, R., & Nater, U. M. (2021). Abstracts of the WASAD Congress 2021: an International Congress of the World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders, held on 20-22 September 2021 in Vienna, Austria. Journal of Neural Transmission, 128, 1767-1812.
Mües, H., Markert, C., Feneberg, A., & Nater, U. M. (2021). An investigation into the bi-directional association of stress and sexuality using an ecological momentary assessment approach: Abstracts of the WASAD Congress 2021: an International Congress of the World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders, held on 20–22 September 2021 in Vienna, Austria. Journal of Neural Transmission, 128(11), 1777-1777. Article 26.
Song, Y., Skoluda, N., & Nater, U. M. (2021). Can using music for relaxing purposes impact stress recovery? Abstracts of the WASAD Congress 2021: an International Congress of the World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders, held on 20–22 September 2021 in Vienna, Austria. JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION, 128(11), 1768-1768.
Stijovic, A., Forbes, P., Tomova, L., Skoluda, N., Feneberg, A., Piperno, G., Pronizius, E., Nater, U. M., Lamm, C., & Silani, G. (2021). Effects of social isolation on stress, mood, and motivation: evidence from laboratory and field studies: Abstracts of the WASAD Congress 2021: an International Congress of the World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders, held on 20-22 September 2021 in Vienna, Austria. JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION, 128, 1781.
Goreis, A., Nater, U., & Mewes, R. (2021). Psychobiological effects of chronic ethnic discrimination in Turkish immigrants: stress responses to standardized face-to-face discrimination in the laboratory. JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION, 128(11), 1773-1774. Article 18.
Wagner-Doerr, J. M., Nater, U. M., Feneberg, A. C., & Mewes, R. (2021). Differential associations between fatigue and psychobiological stress measures in women with depression and women with somatic symptom disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 132, Article 105343.
Sperl, M., Panitz, C., Skoluda, N., Nater, U. M., Pizzagalli, D., Hermann, C., & Müller, E. (2021). Pharmacological modulation of threat and safety: noradrenaline potentiates conditioned fear bradycardia and N170/LPP ERP amplitudes. Psychophysiology, 58(S1), S22.
Sattler, F. A., Nater, U. M., & Mewes, R. (2021). Gay men’s stress response to a general and a specific social stressor. Journal of Neural Transmission, 128(9), 1325-1333.
Nater, U. M. (2021). Recent developments in stress and anxiety research. Journal of Neural Transmission, 128(9), 1265-1267.
Feneberg, A., Forbes, P., Lamm, C., Piperno, G., Pronizius, E., Silani, G., Stijovic, A., & Nater, U. M. (2021). Abstracts from the December 2020 Virtual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society. Psychosomatic Medicine, 83(7), A1-A68.
Mann, C., Schloß, S., Cosan, A. S., Becker, K., Skoluda, N., Nater, U. M., & Pauli-Pott, U. (2021). Hair cortisol concentration and neurocognitive functions in preschool children at risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 131, Article 105322.
Cosan, A. S., Schloß, S., Vasen, Z., Hausner, M., Christiansen, H., Becker, K., Skoluda, N., Nater, U. M., & Pauli-Pott, U. (2021). Mother's hair cortisol and symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in her preschool child. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 131, Article 105279.
Massaccesi, C., Willeit, M., Quednow, B. B., Nater, U. M., Lamm, C., Mueller, D., & Silani, G. (2021, Aug 13). Enhanced negative response to stress following morphine administration increases wanting of social reward.
Skoluda, N., Piroth, I., Gao, W., & Nater, U. M. (2021). HOME vs. LAB hair samples for the determination of long‑term steroid concentrations: a comparison between hair samples collected by laypersons and trained research staff. Journal of Neural Transmission, 128(9), 1371–1380.
Szép, A., Skoluda, N., Schloß, S., Becker, K., Pauli-Pott, U., & Nater, U. M. (2021). The impact of preschool child and maternal attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms on mothers’ perceived chronic stress and hair cortisol. Journal of Neural Transmission, 128(9), 1311 - 1324.
Massaccesi, C., Korb, S., Skoluda, N., Nater, U. M., & Silani, G. (2021). Effects of Appetitive and Aversive Motivational States on Wanting and Liking of Interpersonal Touch. Neuroscience, 464, 12-25.
Feneberg, A., & Nater, U. M. (2021). Feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of an Ecological Momentary Music Intervention (EMMI) for stress reduction in daily life: Protocol and pilot results. International journal of behavioral medicine, 28(SUPPL 1), S123-S123.
Showing entries 101 - 120 out of 513