Showing entries 501 - 513 out of 513
Fischer, G., Jagsch, R., Müller, C., & Kasper, S. (2000). Prevalence and distribution of hepatitis C subtypes in patients with opioid dependence. European Addiction Research, 6(4), 198-204.
Kryspin-Exner, I., Peternell-Mölzer, A., & Jagsch, R. (2000). Therapeutische Allianz – Bindungsfähigkeit als ein notwendiger Bestandteil? In E. Parfy (Ed.), Bindung und Interaktion: Dimensionen der professionellen Beziehungsgestaltung Facultas.
Fischer, G., Johnson, R. E., Eder, H., Jagsch, R., Peternell-Mölzer, A., Weninger, M., Langer, M., & Aschauer, H. (2000). Treatment of opioid-dependent pregnant women with buprenorphine. Addiction, 95(2), 239-244.
Gombas, W., Eder, H., Jagsch, R., Peternell, A., & Kasper, S. (1999). Buprenorphine versus methadone maintenance for the treatment of opioid dependence. Addiction, 94(9), 1337-1347.
Jagsch, R., Eder, H., & Gombas, W. (1999). Comparison of methadone and slow-release morphine maintenance in pregnant addicts. Addiction, 94(2), 231-239.
Eder, H., Jagsch, R., & Langer, M. (1998). Buprenorphine maintenance in pregnant opiate addicts. European Addiction Research, 4(SUPPL. 1), 32-36.
Eder, H., Gombas, W., Jagsch, R., & Kasper, S. (1998). Comparison of buprenorphine and methadone maintenance in opiate addicts. European Addiction Research, 4(SUPPL. 1), 3-7.
Knahr, K., Kryspin-Exner, I., & Jagsch, R. (1998). Beurteilung der lebensqualitat vor und nach implantation einer huft- totalendoprothese. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ORTHOPADIE UND IHRE GRENZGEBIETE, 136(4), 321-329.
Jagsch, R., & Kasper, S. (1998). Maintenance therapy with synthetic opioids within a multidisciplinary program - A stabilizing necessity for pregnant opioid dependent women. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 1(3), 109-116.
Pezawas, L., & Jagsch, R. (1997). Das betreuungsprofil der drogenambulanz im wiener allgemeinen krankenhaus unter besonderer berucksichtigung von risikopopulationen. Neuropsychiatrie, 11(4), 139-147.
Jagsch, R., & Kryspin-Exner, I. (1996). Periphere psychophysiologische messungen als alternative zu harntests bei methadon-patienten? Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 25(1), 47-54.
Schmid, R., & Jagsch, R. (1991). Psychophysiological reactions in methadone maintenance patients do not correlate with methadone plasma levels. Psychopharmacology, 103(4), 538-540.
Jagsch, R. (1990). Habituation of skin conductance response in a methadone population. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 26(2), 199-202.
Showing entries 501 - 513 out of 513