Yanick Lahaye, BSc MSc
PhD Student - Department of Clinical and Health Psychology
Research Unit for Clinical Social Neuroscience (CSN-Unit)
T: +43-678-7903414
E: yanick.noel.lahaye@univie.ac.at
Office: room O3.42, Liebiggasse 5, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Office hours: on appointment
Research interests
Anorexia Nervosa
My research focuses on the mental disorder anorexia nervosa. In particular, I am studying the processing of social and non-social rewards in anorexia nervosa using functional MRI and concurrent facial EMG. I am also very interested in a holistic picture of the disorder. With this objective, we are using additional methods in the AN-BEL project, such as microbiome analyses, genome analyses and a unique magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurement.