Publications of our Research Unit

Showing entries 91 - 98 out of 98
Silani, G., Frith, U., Demonet, J. F., Fazio, F., Perani, D., Price, C., Frith, C. D., & Paulesu, E. (2005). Brain abnormalities underlying altered activation in dyslexia: A voxel based morphometry study. Brain: a journal of neurology, 128(10), 2453-2461.

Paulesu, E., Perani, D., Blasi, V., Silani, G., Borghese, N. A., De Giovanni, U., Sensolo, S., & Fazio, F. (2003). A functional-anatomical model for lipreading. Journal of Neurophysiology, 90(3), 2005-2013.

Bisiach, E., Ricci, R., Silani, G., Cossa, F. M., & Crespi, M. G. (1999). Hypermnesia in unilateral neglect. Cortex: journal devoted to study of the nervous system and behavior, 35(5), 701-711.

Showing entries 91 - 98 out of 98