Publications of our Research Unit
Showing entries 41 - 50 out of 99
Massaccesi, C., Korb, S., Skoluda, N., Nater, U. M., & Silani, G. (2021). Effects of Appetitive and Aversive Motivational States on Wanting and Liking of Interpersonal Touch. Neuroscience, 464, 12-25.
Rütgen, M., Wirth, E.-M., Riecansky, I., Hummer, A., Windischberger, C., Petrovic, P., Silani, G., & Lamm, C. (2021). Beyond Sharing Unpleasant Affect—Evidence for Pain-Specific Opioidergic Modulation of Empathy for Pain. Cerebral Cortex, 31(6), 2773–2786.,
Massaccesi, C., Groessing, A., Rosenberger, L. A., Hartmann, H., Candini, M., di Pellegrino, G., Frassinetti, F., & Silani, G. (2021). Neural correlates of interpersonal space permeability and flexibility in autism spectrum disorder. Cerebral Cortex, 31(6), 2968–2979.
Massaccesi, C., Chiappini, E., Paracampo, R., & Korb, S. (2021). Large Gatherings? No, Thank You. Devaluation of Crowded Social Scenes During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 689162.
Pronizius, E., Feneberg, A., Forbes, P., Lamm, C., Nater, U. M., Piperno, G., Silani, G., Skoluda, N., & Stijovic, A. (2021). Diurnal dynamics of stress and mood in the risk groups during COVID-19 lockdown: a large binational ecological momentary assessment study. Journal of Neural Transmission, 128, 1784-1785.
Cogoni, C., Carnaghi, A., & Silani, G. (2021). Reduced shared emotional representations toward women revealing more skin. Cognition & Emotion, 35(2), 225-240.
Bukowski, H., Todorova, B., Boch, M., Silani, G., & Lamm, C. (2021). Socio-cognitive training impacts emotional and perceptual self-salience but not self-other distinction. Acta Psychologica, 216, Article 103297.,
Korb, S., Götzendorfer, S. J., Massaccesi, C., Sezen, P., Graf, I., Willeit, M., Eisenegger, C., & Silani, G. (2020). Dopaminergic and opioidergic regulation during anticipation and consumption of social and nonsocial rewards. eLife, 9, 1-22. Article e55797.
Bukowski, H., Tik, M., Silani, G., Ruff, C., Windischberger, C., & Lamm, C. (2020). When differences matter: rTMS/fMRI reveals how differences in dispositional empathy translate to distinct neural underpinnings of self-other distinction in empathy. Cortex: journal devoted to study of the nervous system and behavior, 128, 143-161.
Bukowski, H., Boch, M., Lamm, C., & Silani, G. (2020). Is Self-Other distinction malleable? Egocentric and altercentric biases in empathy are modulated by priming attachment style and similarity mindsets. PsyArXiv.
Showing entries 41 - 50 out of 99