
The Department of Clinical and Health Psychology conducts research on innovative approaches to intervention in clinical psychology and prevention in health psychology. The wide range of research foci includes clinical neuropsychology and neuroscience, gerontopsychology and intellectual impairments as well as psychotraumatology, emotion regulation, addiction, health and the Internet, new media and virtual realities. The group also researches on ethical topics within health psychology, clinical psychology and psychotherapy.
Generally, the group aims at further developing theoretical models in health and clinical psychology by taking into account current bio-psychological findings and transforming these models into interventions backed by evidence for different fields of action and/or disorder groups.

Folgende Masterarbeitsthemen und Forschungspraktikumsstellen sind aktuell zu vergeben:

Das ZIB Magazin berichtete über eine Studie von Urs Nater & Co.

Our research foci and working groups

sich umfassende Hände

Learn more about the members of our team.

Contents of clinical psychology in degree programme

aufgeschlagene Masterarbeit mit Überschrift

Information about master’s theses and their supervision in the group