Publications of our Research Unit

Massaccesi, C., Groessing, A., Rosenberger, L. A., Hartmann, H., Candini, M., di Pellegrino, G., Frassinetti, F., & Silani, G. (2021). Neural correlates of interpersonal space permeability and flexibility in autism spectrum disorder. Cerebral Cortex, 31(6), 2968–2979.

Korb, S., Götzendorfer, S. J., Massaccesi, C., Sezen, P., Graf, I., Willeit, M., Eisenegger, C., & Silani, G. (2020). Dopaminergic and opioidergic regulation during anticipation and consumption of social and nonsocial rewards. eLife, 9, 1-22. Artikel e55797.