
eDESDE - Electronic standard coding and mapping of services for long-term care

Leitungao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Germain Weber
KooperationPSICOST (Spain)
FörderinstitutionExecutive Agency for Health and Consumers of the European Commission
ArbeitsgruppeIntellektuelle Beeinträchtigung

Due to semantic variability and service complexity, existing national listings of services do not provide an adequate framework for patient mobility. eDESDE-LTC aims at developing an operational system for coding, mapping and comparing services for Long-Term Care (LTC) across Europe in order to facilitate semantic interoperability in this field.The system will include a toolkit with the following components:

an instrument for standardized classification, description and utilization of main types of care for persons with LTC needs in Europe (DESDE-LTC). It incorporates basic descriptors and indicators in 6 European languages

  • a coding system with a coding list and a glossary of terms
  • a training package on semantic interoperability in eHealth (coding and listing of services for LTC) that includes a Case Book, and
  • an eDESDE-LTC website.
