Publikationen aus dem Arbeitsbereich ab 2014
- Hier finden Sie die Publikationen aus unserem Arbeitsbereich bis 2013.
Zeige Ergebnisse 101 - 110 von 953
Knefel, M., Kantor, V., Weindl, D., Schieß-Jokanovic, J., Nicholson, A., Verginer, L., Schäfer, I., & Lueger-Schuster, B. (2022). A brief transdiagnostic psychological intervention for Afghan asylum seekers and refugees in Austria: a randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(1), Artikel 2068911.
Nicholson, A., Siegel, M., Wolf, J., Narikuzhy, S., Roth, S. L., Hatchard, T., Lanius, R. A., Schneider, M., Lloyd, C. S., McKinnon, M. C., Heber, A., Smith, P., & Lueger-Schuster, B. (2022). A systematic review of the neural correlates of sexual minority stress: towards an intersectional minority mosaic framework with implications for a future research agenda. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(1), Artikel 2002572.
Conway, L. G., Woodard, S. R., Zubrod, A., Tiburcio, M., Martínez-Vélez, N. A., Sorgente, A., Lanz, M., Serido, J., Vosylis, R., Fonseca, G., Lep, Ž., Li, L., Zupančič, M., Crespo, C., Relvas, A. P., Papageorgiou, K. A., Gianniou, F. M., Truhan, T., Mojtahedi, D., ... Balmores-Paulino, R. (2022). How culturally unique are pandemic effects? Evaluating cultural similarities and differences in effects of age, biological sex, and political beliefs on COVID impacts. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Artikel 937211.
Mikus, N., Korb, S., Massaccesi, C., Gausterer, C., Graf, I., Willeit, M., Eisenegger, C., Lamm, C., Silani, G., & Mathys, C. (2022). Effects of dopamine D2/3 and opioid receptor antagonism on the trade-off between model-based and model-free behaviour in healthy volunteers. eLife, 11, Artikel e79661.,
Thoma, M. V., Rohner, S. L., Heim, E., Hermann, R. M., Roos, M., Evangelista, K. W. M., Nater, U. M., & Höltge, J. (2022). Identifying well-being profiles and resilience characteristics in ex-members of fundamentalist Christian faith communities. Stress and Health, 38(5), 1058-1069.
Weindl, D., Koller, D., Kostial, M., Zajec, K., & Noske, J. (2022). Tageskliniken zentral und/oder disloziert. Ein Standardelement der kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen Versorgung. Neuropsychiatrie, 36(4), 173-178.
Lotzin, A., Ketelsen, R., Zrnic, I., Lueger-Schuster, B., Böttche, M., & Schäfer, I. (2022). The Pandemic Stressor Scale: factorial validity and reliability of a measure of stressors during a pandemic. BMC Psychology, 10(1), Artikel 92.
Nti Mvilongo, P. T., Vanhamel, J., Siegel, M., & Nöstlinger, C. (2022). The “4th 90” target as a strategy to improve health-related quality of life of people living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 27(12), 1026-1043.
Lotzin, A., Krause, L., Acquarini, E., Ajdukovic, D., Anastassiou-Hadjicharalambous, X., Ardino, V., Bondjers, K., Böttche, M., Dragan, M., Figueiredo-Braga, M., Gelezelyte, O., Grajewski, P., Javakhishvili, J. D., Kazlauskas, E., Lenferink, L., Lioupi, C., Lueger-Schuster, B., Mooren, T., Sales, L., ... ADJUST Study Consortium (2022). Risk and protective factors for posttraumatic stress disorder in trauma-exposed individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a pan-European study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(2), Artikel 2138099.
Lueger-Schuster, B. (2022). Versorgungsstrukturen ambulanter und stationärer Traumatherapie in Österreich. in R. Keller, U. Frommberger, & J. Graul (Hrsg.), Praxishandbuch Traumatherapie: Diagnostik, ambulante und stationäre Behandlung, Rahmenbedingungen und Anwendungsbeispiele (S. 421-425). ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG.
Zeige Ergebnisse 101 - 110 von 953