Publikationen aus dem Arbeitsbereich ab 2014
- Hier finden Sie die Publikationen aus unserem Arbeitsbereich bis 2013.
Zeige Ergebnisse 11 - 20 von 941
Massaccesi, C., Korb, S., Götzendorfer, S., Chiappini, E., Willeit, M., Lundström, J. N., Windischberger, C., Eisenegger, C., & Silani, G. (2024). Effects of dopamine and opioid receptor antagonism on the neural processing of social and nonsocial rewards. Human Brain Mapping, 45(4), e26645.
Broadbent, E., Nater, U., Skoluda, N., Gasteiger, N., Jia, R., Chalder, T., Law, M., & Vedhara, K. (2024). Changes in hair cortisol in a New Zealand community sample during the Covid-19 pandemic. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 17, [100228].
Goreis, A., Nater, U. M., & Mewes, R. (2024). Psychological Consequences of Chronic Ethnic Discrimination in Male Turkish Immigrants Living in Austria: A 30-Day Ambulatory Assessment Study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 58(2), 111-121.
Pauli-Pott, U., Skoluda, N., Nater, U. M., Becker, K., Derz, F., Kaspar, E., Kasperzack, D., Kehm, K., Kött, M., Mann, C., Schurek, P., Pott, W., & Schloß, S. (2024). Long-term cortisol secretion in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: roles of sex, comorbidity, and symptom presentation. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 33(2), 569-579.
Mosgoeller, W., Muss, C., Eisenwagen, S., Jagsch, R., & Vogelsang, H. (2024). PMA - Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) in the Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome - A Non-Interventional Study. Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 62(3), 379-387.
Heming, M., Angerer, P., Apolinário-Hagen, J., Liszio, S., Nater, U. M., Skoluda, N., & Weber , J. (2024). Acute and Chronic Stress: Higher levels of hair cortisol concentration are associated with lower blood pressure reactivity in young adults. International Congress on Occupational Health , Marrakesh , Marokko.
Andisha, P., & Lueger-Schuster, B. (2024). Afghan Refugee Populations’ Mental Health: Exploring Pre-migration Environmental Differences and Post-migration Stressors. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 29(3), 247-274.
Zrnic Novakovic, I., Streicher, A., Ajdukovic, D., Ajdukovic, M., Kiralj Lacković, J., Lotzin, A., & Lueger-Schuster, B. (Angenommen/Im Druck). Anpassung und Wohlbefinden in späteren Phasen der COVID-19 Pandemie – Ein Vergleich zwischen Österreich und Kroatien. Trauma und Gewalt.
Lueger-Schuster, B., Butollo, M. A., Moy, Y., Jagsch, R., Glück, T., Kantor, V., Knefel, M., & Weindl, D. (2024). Aspects of social support and disclosure in the context of institutional abuse – Long-term impact on mental health. Manuskript zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht.
Fellinger, J., Moritz, P., & Weber, G. (2024). Austria and Intellectual Development Disorders. in K. Munir, & A. Roy (Hrsg.), Global e-Handbook on Intellectual Developmental Disorders (S. 35-50)
Zeige Ergebnisse 11 - 20 von 941